How To Get Rid of Stubborn Fat Without Surgery

SculpSure – This laser treatment heats up fat cells, causing them to die. We can treat up to four areas at one time in a 25-minute session. Sculpsure is perfect for those stubborn areas of fat on the abdomen, flanks, arms, or thighs that just won’t disappear. The average fat reduction is 24 percent after only one to two treatments! Would you like to reduce stubborn, unwanted fat on your abdomen, thighs, love handles, or anywhere else without going under the knife or needle? If so, then Sculpsure PLUS may be a great option!

EmSculpt – Although this 30-minute treatment is mainly used for increasing muscle, it can also reduce fat at the same time! Studies have shown EmSculpt can reduce fat by an average of 19 percent! The treatment is painless and uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscles, helping you get a more chiseled six-pack or a more lifted butt.


Kybella – This is an injection that melts away small areas of fat! Although it’s FDA approved for the double chin, it can be used “off label” to reduce small pockets of fat elsewhere as well. Optimal results can take 2-4 treatments, but the results are permanent!

Intermittent Fasting (IF), Nutrition & Exercise – It’s no secret that a balanced diet and exercise will help you lose or keep of unwanted weight, however intermittent fasting has been shown to be effective at helping shave off those unwanted pounds!

Chicago Aesthetics Med Spa

Chicago Aesthetics Med Spa in Chicago, Illinois, offers a comprehensive range of injectables, skincare, and wellness services. Their offerings include various facial treatments, laser and skin therapies, and body sculpting treatments.