Breakthrough Laser Tattoo Removal by PicoWay®

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"I have wanted to get my tattoo removed and PicoWay was so easy!"

Erase unwanted tattoos permanently with our PicoWay laser tattoo removal technology. This laser tattoo removal technology is superior because it is three times more powerful, twice as fast, and has  a faster recovery time.

At Chicago Aesthetics, our PicoWay laser tattoo removal technology results in fewer treatmentsfaster recovery, and greater results than other tattoo removal lasers.

Get started today with treatments starting at $149, which includes your consultation and the first square inch (per session). Each additional square inch is $59, per session. Our laser technicians will provide a customized quote.

How To Prepare for Laser Tattoo Removal by PicoWay

To prepare for your laser tattoo removal treatment you should follow these instructions:

  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Minimize direct sun exposure and avoid intentional skin tanning in the treatment area for a minimum of six weeks prior to the commencement of treatment, throughout the treatment period, and immediately after the treatment. This precaution is essential to reduce the risk of complications and enhance treatment efficacy.
  • No Topical Agents: Cease the use of any potentially irritating topical agents, including but not limited to retinol, high-concentration acids, and active ingredients, for 2-3 days before the scheduled treatment. This measure is to prevent any adverse reactions or increased sensitivity during the treatment process.
  • Skin Preparation: Attend the treatment session with thoroughly cleansed skin. Ensure that the area to be treated is free from makeup, lotions, perfumes, and bath or shower oils. Clean skin is critical for the successful application of the treatment and to avoid the risk of infection or irritation.
  • Stop Antibiotics: Refrain from taking any antibiotics for at least one week before the treatment unless otherwise advised by your healthcare provider. Antibiotics can potentially interfere with the treatment's efficacy and increase sensitivity to the procedure.

By following these guidelines, you will optimize the outcomes of your laser tattoo removal treatment. Our team is here to help you if you have any questions following your tattoo removal treatment.

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At Chicago Aesthetics Med Spa, we employ the cutting-edge PicoWay® laser technology for tattoo removal. This laser tattoo removal technology is known for its unparalleled speed. Its rapid pulse rate not only ensures efficient tattoo ink removal, but also minimizes the recovery period, enabling superior outcomes in fewer sessions.

PicoWay® laser technology effectively removes tattoos and can also be effective for improving the appearance of scars, acne scars, melasma, stretch marks, and even improve the overall tone and texture of skin.

Picoway laser tattoo removal before after photo Chicago Aesthetics

Area(s) Treated: Upper back

Treatment Used: PicoWay Tattoo Removal

Number of Treatments: 5

Area(s) Treated: Arm

Treatment Used: PicoWay Tattoo Removal

Number of Treatments: 4

Picoway laser tattoo removal before after photo Chicago Aesthetics

Area(s) Treated: Upper back

Treatment Used: PicoWay Tattoo Removal

Number of Treatments: 13

Other Areas that ban be treated with Picoway laser

Picoway is a specialized laser technology that can remove tattoos as well as other skin conditions including:

  • Acne scar improvement
  • Stretch mark reduction
  • Permanent makeup removal including microblading of the eyebrows
  • Scar reduction
  • Skin tone evening
  • Melasma


Multiple treatments are usually required to get the best results. The number of treatments will vary depending certain factors such as:

  • Tattoo size
  • Age of tattoo
  • Colors and inks used
  • Area of the tattoo

Your provider may recommend that you return for additional treatments depending on the amount of ink left in your skin, so you can feel positive and confident about your long-term results.

PicoWay can safely treat most areas of the body with the most common areas being:

  • Eyebrows
  • Hands
  • Stomach
  • Back
  • Thighs & Legs
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Feet

Session spacing will depend on what area is getting treated; typically treatments will be spaced 6-8 weeks.

This treatment is relatively painless, however due to the laser, you may feel heat & slight discomfort during the procedure.This treatment may become a little uncomfortable if used at a higher setting, but a topical numbing cream and cooling device will be used to help with any discomfort during your treatment.

For our laser tattoo removal treatment you can expect the healing time period to be between 7-10 days. An ice pack can be applied to the area 4 hours post treatment to ease any discomfort. You will have to avoid any strenuous physical activity that will cause excessive perspiration to the area as it may cause tissue disruption.

For all over Picoway laser treatments downtime may vary.

The area being treated by the laser will likely be tender for a few days following your treatment.

Picoway laser is a type of laser technology used for tattoo removal. It delivers short pulses of energy to break up tattoo ink particles into smaller fragments, making them easier for the body to eliminate. Picoway lasers are known for their effectiveness and ability to target many tattoo colors.

Laser tattoo removal costs can vary based on factors such as the size and complexity of the tattoo, the number of sessions needed, and the technology used. Prices typically range from $100 to $500 per session, but larger or more intricate tattoos may cost more.


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