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"A flat and unflattering backside can be frustrating at any age. Cosmetically altering your buttocks with a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can increase fullness and provide a more feminine and curvy shape you desire."

At Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong will take the time to answer any questions about the procedure during your consultation. It's important you feel positive about moving forward with a Brazilian butt lift procedure. Some of our patients’ most frequently asked questions are listed below, but please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

What exactly is a Brazilian butt lift?

An increasingly popular surgery, the Brazilian butt lift is a body contouring procedure meant to increase volume and provide a more sensual, fuller look and feel to a flat or sagging backside. The procedure involves removing fat from areas of the body (Lipo360), and transferring fat cells to the buttocks from other areas of the body. A Brazilian butt lift can effectively correct a flat bottom caused by age, genetics or changes in weight.

Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?

Ideal candidates for the Brazilian butt lift procedure are men or women who have a BMI of 30 or below and want to change the shape, fullness and contour of their buttocks and waist.

As with any cosmetic beautification procedure, individual appearance goals and expectations are what help Dr. Truong tailor specific procedures to your personal needs. If you’re unhappy with flat contours or a lack of volume in your backside, you may benefit from a Brazilian butt lift.

How much fat can be removed for the BBL procedure?

The amount of fat that can be liposuction depends on the individual patient. Safety guidelines dictate no more than 5 Liters total may be liposuctioned at once in an outpatient setting. It’s important to note that not all of the fat will be viable and sometimes it’s not possible to reinject all of the fat that’s removed. At Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics we generally only perform BBL in individuals with a BMI between 25 and 30, so most of the time an average of 3-4 liters is removed from the body. Of course, it can vary from patient to patient and requires an examination with your surgeon.

Patients who have a BMI of 25 or less may be a good candidate for a Skinny BBL procedureA Skinny BBL is designed for very thin patients with little fat.

How long does the BBL procedure take?

Determining how long your Brazilian butt lift surgery will take is subjective, and overall procedure time depends on the techniques used and the desired results. The procedure often involves different stages that can include liposuction, fat cell processing and fat cell reinjection, and each stage varies in time.

That said, you can expect the following out of a typical Brazilian butt lift procedure:

  1. Liposuction/fat cell removal: a minimum of 2 to 3 hours
  2. Fat processing: varies in time and can be done during liposuction
  3. Fat cell reinjection: a minimum of 2 to 3 hours
  4. Recovery: time off work 1 week and a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks

What kind of scarring can I expect?

The brazilian butt lift procedure involves incisions, and scarring will occur. That said, depending on where the incisions are made and how large each incision is, scarring can be reduced, minimized or sometimes even hidden in the natural folds of the skin. If you have scarring concerns or questions, it’s best to discuss them with your surgeon before the procedure to ensure the final results meet your expectations.

What’s the difference between a fat transfer Brazilian Butt Lift and buttock implants?

Simply put, a Brazilian butt lift procedure uses your natural fat cells and a buttock implant utilizes a synthetic implant. This being the case, a butt lift almost always has a more natural feel and contour than buttock implants. A Brazilian butt lift, due to the use of your own fat cells, has less likelihood of rejection over implants. This also leads to quicker recovery in most cases.

What’s the BBL recovery like?

You can expect bruising and swelling after your Brazilian butt lift surgery, and taking precautions to minimize complications is important. Full recovery will take three to four weeks, and during that time, you’ll want to avoid putting excess pressure on the newly transplanted fat cells in your buttocks. You may be instructed to wear a support garment such as compression shorts, and you’ll be advised to be aware of how you’re sitting during recovery.

Additionally, massages are an important part of the recovery process. Regular massages help even out fat cell distribution and remove contour deformities caused by liposuction. Personalized recovery instructions and precautions will be provided by Dr. Truong, but be sure to voice any questions you may have about restrictions and the recovery process in general.

For more on Brazilian Butt Lift recovery, read our blog post.

How long will my BBL results last?

The Brazilian butt lift is a long-lasting procedure, and results can last for years, if not decades. Once the blood supply has been re-established to the fat cells now housed in your buttocks, those fat cells are there to stay. They’ll shrink and grow, affected by calorie intake and exercise, just like any other fat cells around the body. So, if you gain or lose weight, you could see changes in the shape and size of your buttocks, but your new butt won’t suddenly disappear one day. You can expect your new look to last a while.

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